3 More Pros and Cons of EPOS Systems

3 More Pros and Cons of EPOS Systems
favicon selectedepos You know the proverb: Always “look before you leap”. Adding an EPOS system to your establishment is definitely that huge leap.

You know the proverb: Always “look before you leap”. Adding an EPOS system to your establishment is definitely that huge leap.

Therefore, you must be cautious before taking a leap of faith to sign up for something as important as an EPOS system. This is why we are bringing you this set of pros and cons of these ubiquitous systems.


However, going through 5 advantages and disadvantages of EPOS systems before, we have covered the issue to some extent already. Here, we will add three more weights on each side of the scale to see in favor of which side it is tilted. Just remember, these upsides and downsides will differ in different situations so please don’t forget it. You yourself will be the judge of that, as you have your own needs and requirements. Therefore, make sure you read to the end thoroughly in order to have a clear, straight judgment.

Okay, let’s not linger on the intro any longer and go through the 3 pros and cons of EPOS systems.


3 Pros of EPOS Systems


 You don’t need hardware

One of the many beauties of EPOS systems is that it is not only hardware. Ironically, while it may strike you as a hardware device at first glance, it is more software in the exact sense of the word. As a matter of fact, it is the software that helps you with anything you need it for. So, the fact that you can use only the software, per se, triggers a sequence of benefits. The first, for example, being: you don’t need to pay for expensive hardware bundles.

The second will be the periodical need to maintain your devices. The list just goes on. The smallest gift this will bring you is an empty sleek counter top. However, it is probably self-evident that you can’t forget about hardware devices and the associated troubles that go with it completely. You will need at least a couple of devices including card terminals, tablets and/or iPads, depending on your requirements and budget.


You can access the data from anywhere

While this one is mostly for mobile businesses, the brick-and-mortar businesses can benefit from it, too. But “Benefit, How!?” To answer this, you should know a bit about the Cloud. If you don’t already know what the Cloud is and don’t feel like getting technical about it, just imagine it as the real cloud. Let’s go back to school and review the water cycle.

The water on the ground evaporates into water vapor. Then, it rises up into the sky to become part of a cloud. The cloud, then, drifts around and lets the raindrops fall somewhere else. Now back to the computer realm. Think of those raindrops as single pieces of data. You upload the data (evaporate the water) from one place (device #1), store it somewhere (Cloud) and download (raindrops) it onto another place (device #2). Now you know where it took the name “Cloud” from. This is how you can access the data from anywhere. Most EPOS systems will offer you the same capability.



You can take it anywhere

Remember how the EPOS system is not only hardware and how you can access your data from anywhere. Well, the induction is rather simple now. You can take your EPOS system anywhere. Mobile businesses such as food trucks will probably adore this feature the most. Although, other businesses will not be left out. Pop-up stores, for instance, can install a sound EPOS software onto a tablet or iPad and move from one place to another, without a concern.



3 Cons of EPOS Systems


You always have to be connected, unless!

One of the spanners that may be thrown in your works is the need for constant connectivity. EPOS systems need to be connected to the internet to function smoothly. Besides, you need to be connected in order to reap the benefit of Cloud features. So, this might be a little challenge. However, thoughtful EPOS manufacturers such as Eposense have tried to address this problem. They’ve overcome this by implementing an offline feature. This way, it doesn’t matter whether your internet connection is sluggish or you decide to shut down the internet for a while for some reason. You will still be able to make sales when disconnected. However, the catch is that you can’t have it uploaded on the cloud as long as you are cut off, which is totally understandable. However, your data will be automatically uploaded onto the cloud when your connection is back on.


You can’t have it customised

Don’t get this title wrong. We don’t mean it is impossible to have a customized EPOS system or manufacturers can’t technically pull it off. It is more like a game of price for value. It seems like customization isn’t meant for everyone. Truth be told, it sounds a bit posh. So, maybe small to medium-sized businesses can’t afford it. More importantly however, they don’t even need it. But what if you were thinking of growing big. Your business will then need its own individual specifications and needs. Whenever you reach that point, you can be sure that you will have your own EPOS system tailored to your requirements, both in terms of software and hardware (in some rare cases).

From another angle, EPOS system makers have tried to get closer to your needs. As a result, they have developed industry-specific EPOS software. Now, businesses of the same type can use an EPOS system that is at least relevant to their needs. Nevertheless, it is not customized to a particular business entity.

You will get terrible support (at least in most cases)

Not that it is unreasonable , but in a tech company, when the chips are down, and the sales are disastrous, customer support employees are the most vulnerable against redundancies. This alone demonstrates how fragile a customer support team can be. Ask around and you will learn what most EPOS users are letdown with is lack of decent support. Maybe this is ingrained in the business or some companies have operated poorly enough to make the rest look bad. To be fair, there are those companies whose customer support services are proverbial. If you ever come across an EPOS manufacturer with a dedicated support team, don’t lose the chance. There are only a few of them left out there.


Let’s wrap it up

I am going to sum up, by reemphasizing the proverb in the first line: “Look before you leap”. Weigh up every option you have. Ask your chosen provider about what they have to offer. Ask them to explain their strength and weaknesses. Just don’t forget to be fair. No one company, just like no person, is perfect. So, instead of turning down a pretty good deal, try to find out how they are planning to compensate for their shortcomings (if they have any).

In case you wish to know what we have to offer, just pick up the phone and call us.